Case Study

sureUI Data Visualization

Built with Figma & Nivo

Responsive, flexible chart components

Revenue from Premiums

Quarterly revenue by policy type

A library by designers, for designers

Each component is built to support actual workflows, with usability, learnability, and flexibility in mind.

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Built for drag-and-drop

Charts can be inserted into a a design file, and will responsively re-size to fit any viewport.


Translatable into code

Component controls are mapped 1-to-1 with those in Nivo, a React library built on D3.


Modular architecture

Charts support modification through various component controls, and direct selection.


In-depth documentation

Docs covering best practices, visual encoding, architecture, and hand-off support learnability.

A Figma library that actually works

Unlike existing libraries or plugins (which require heavy intervention), this library was built to be used.

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